Do you love being around dogs and helping people? Do you enjoy the outdoors and have fun exploring new neighborhoods and parks? If so, starting a career as a dog walker in Phoenix ,or a Arizona Pet sitter might be a win-win for you, and other families! Both can be healthy, active, part time or full time jobs!
5 reasons to be a dog walker or petsitter:
- Dog Walking and Pet sitter Entrepreneurs get to make their own hours, create their own routine, choose the people they work with, and set pay rates for the service they offer.
- It is a very diverse and ever changing job. The days are as varied as the weather, the dogs, the people, and the activities you choose. Green grass one day, a country road the next, and a steep mountain trail may all be part of the changing scenery.
- You don’t need to deal with office politics or crazy coworkers. Some of your best friends don’t verbalize in words! They bark, whine, grumble, chatter, squeal, and snort, but you get the information anyway. These furry friends speak the language of dog speak. Talking is optional. Hand gestures apply.
A gentle tug, a flick of the lead, a click, or a sigh can suffice some days. Your customers, the pups, get it! You are a team, and they are active participants. No water cooler politics or politically correct posturing is necessary!
- Your business attire is all up to your personal taste! No uniform code required, no expensive accessories or jewelry required. You may need a treat pouch, sunglasses, and a good pair of sneakers or trail shoes. The colors of your true personality can shine through each and every day. You can be comfortable and relaxed, or high tech and streamlined.
- You set the pace of your day. You speak, or not, according to how you feel. The polite way to successfully communicating with canine companions has a greater variety of acceptable options.