Monday, 27 June 2016

4 Ways Training Dogs Can Build Stronger Relationships

You may not realize it, but the relationship you build with your dog could have an influence on the way you interact with the people around you. Could it be that learning to train your dog will strengthen your personal relationships? With the proper dog trainer classes, you may learn how to build deep connections that help you flourish in your personal life.
1. Training dogs teaches you the importance of physical (vs. verbal) communication.
Schools for dog trainers will show you the significance of direct communication, and the way verbal and physical communication work together. With your pet, you are forced to translate verbal cues into physical ones at times. You may find yourself learning the importance of touch and physical posture when it comes to your other relationships.
2. Training underlines the significance of distraction.
As all dog trainer classes will demonstrate, animals are easily distracted. They see toys, other animals, or food and their behavior clearly changes. Humans are distracted too, often by other people or their phones. You both have to adjust to provide your full attention to the task of training. Building awareness of another creature's needs shows you the power distraction may have over your other relationships.
3. Training forces you to understand the significance of spending time together.
Your dog will operate as a consistent companion, allowing shared experiences to build a bond. The more the two of you do together beyond training, the more you learn about each other. You will learn about your dog's likes and dislikes early on, allowing you to communicate much more clearly.
4. Dog obedience training helps you avoid frustration.
Training your dog to obey commands will reduce frustration in the long run, but occasionally the training itself can cause some stress. The more you work together, building common understanding; the stronger your relationship will be with your dog. The same applies to people. Trainers will again emphasize the reliance on clear communication which requires you to remain calm in any given situation.

If you attend any of the prominent schools for dog trainers, you will learn the significance of relationship skills in training an animal. Many new trainers are surprised at how well skills used in animal and human relationships overlap, but understanding facets of one type will help you understand parts of the other.

Monday, 13 June 2016

The History of Dog Breeding

Our love affair with dogs goes back thousands of years. Back 16,000 years or more, before the dawn of time when a dog was not just a pet, but an important necessity for our survival.
For all that time, dogs have been our hunting buddies, our assistant, protectors, and companions. Through the ages, other animals have become integral parts of our lives, but none more than the dog.
Dogs have evolved from their ancestor the wolf, into many breeds; but it wasn't until the 19th century that those breeds started becoming cataloged and formalized by Kennel Clubs. The breeds evolved as a result of the duties they could perform that could benefit man. Good dames and sires were paired to accentuate certain traits which led to the emergence of the various breeds.
One specific Kennel Club group, the sporting dogs include Hounds, Beagles, Pointers, Retrievers, Setters, and Spaniels who evolved from the need to have a dog that would aid in hunting. Many medieval paintings, and even paintings in recent times show elite owners with their many hunting dogs. Foxhounds in particular, have a record in the US that dates back to 1650, when Robert Brooke brought them to America with his family. The origin of the hound can be traced to many ancient documents and wall paintings from Egypt and Assyria.
Working dogs include the Shepherds, Sheepdogs, Collies and other types of herding breeds. They are the dogs that excel at performing duties and tasks. In ancient times, they protected and herded livestock. Now, there are many variations of working dogs including police and rescue dogs, companion dogs and assistance dogs.
Since ancient times, other attributes of dogs have been favored as well, like size; thus Toy Breeds have evolved as another Kennel Club group.
No matter the dog breed, they have all crossed time and now likely has become your special companion - which means, your pet has become an important part of your life.  Why not take some time to learn more about your special K9 friend?  Work with a professional dog trainer in Phoenix, AZ  or at a school for dog trainers to learn more about dogs.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Choosing The Best Career In The Dog Training Field

You love dogs.
You might want to investigate the variations and find the dog career that works best for you. From vet tech, to shelter worker, dog trainer, dog walker or dog sitter. Part time. Full time. How do you choose the best career that meets your personality?
It isn't just about loving dogs. How much money do you want to make?  Do you like all kinds of dogs with all kinds of temperaments, or do you want to just deal with small adorable pets? Do you want to work with as many dogs as possible, or develop a relationship with just a few dogs?
Here are some examples of how people use their love of dogs:
In vet offices:
Vet Techs work with veterinarians. As a vet tech some of your responsibilities might be, caring for dogs and other animals, taking vital signs, administering medications that are prescribed by the doctor, assisting in dental cleaning and interacting with the public.  The average pay is $15/hour.
At animal shelters and non-profits:
Shelter work can be paid or unpaid. The work can be similar to a Vet Tech. The variety of animals who desperately need homes can be fulfilling and rewarding. 
Helping socialize, exercise & teach basic obedience skills are invaluable to making the dogs more adoptable.
Becoming a certified dog trainer:
Dog trainers make on average, $15 an hour, but some can make as much as $100 an hour if they are certified and own their own business. They work with animals to develop desired behaviors in a positive manner. They conduct training programs to develop desired dog behaviors for obedience, competition, entertainment, or security.
As professional dog sitter/walker:
Dog walkers and dog sitters do many similar tasks and generally start at around $11 an hour. They take the dogs for walks and make sure they are fed and cared for. This usually supports a family or individuals who have busy schedules or are unable to keep their dog exercised. Some advanced dog walkers can handle many dogs, thus making more money.
Regardless of the choices you make, you should explore the possibilities. You love dogs, so it’s time to start doing what you love!  Many different types of schools for Dog Trainers around the country exist in order to help you learn more about these careers and which one is right for you.
If you are in the Phoenix area, contact us about our special dog trainer classes and academy.We can help you improve your dog handling, behavior and dog trainer skills - and choose the best career for you!