You see those cards all the time on restaurant bulletin boards, and suddenly that 9 to 5 job seems boring, or you have been downsized and think that this would be a good business to start.
Dog Walkers.... You have heard that they can make nice income and live a great life. And what do you really need to start? A leash, a dog and a sidewalk? Any five year old could do this, right? So why can't you?
Unfortunately, it’s not that easy!
To create a PROFITABLE dog walking business you need a lot more resources and knowledge. However, a good dog trainer school can help give you a one up towards becoming a certified dog walker. Here are some of the tips that we would like to share with you:
Marketing is Key
Dog walking can be part time or full time, it’s up to you. It depends on how much work you want, how well you market yourself, and how skilled you are at obtaining clients.
Start walking one or two dogs in the same family
Yes, those pictures of dog walkers with a bunch of leashes walking multiple dogs looks cool and lucrative, but you must build up to being able to walk and handle multiple dogs from various families. Start small and start with dogs and dog owners you know.
Shop Your Competition
Be aware of what other dog walkers are charging. Are they certified dog trainers, or just people who think that can walk a few dogs? Determine how much you are willing to work, how much you want to be paid, and how much you want to make in year. These questions will help you set goals to work towards.
Be Fit and Flexible
Remember, walking dogs takes energy and involves outside elements. Do you already walk a great deal or are you a couch potato? Take into consideration the weather in your area. If you live in the Phoenix area remember you will be walking dogs during the heat of the summer and will have to change your walking schedule accordingly to accommodate the dog’s paws and body temperature levels. Also consider if this is something you'd enjoy doing on a consistent basis.
Be Business Savvy
Remember it's a business! Accounting, marketing, along with a functional ability to read and write a contract are all necessities for dog walking businesses. You should also be aware of local laws and practices. Are there areas where you aren’t allowed to walk dogs - such as off limit parks, river-walks or certain neighborhoods or subdivisions?
Walking dogs for a living can be a fun and lucrative business. It would be in your best interest to spend some time in advance figuring out the nuts and bolts before you move too fast. If you need help, please look into our professional dog trainer school before you start!